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自动补油器油位计油位器恒位油杯constant oiler

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 1.       应用 LAHD 型 SKF 油位计设计用于在轴承箱、齿轮箱、曲轴箱或类似油浴的应用中实现最 佳润滑油位的自动调整。该产品可在运行条件下有效解决正确油位的调整问题,无需 额外停机。 此外,该装置还可自动补偿漏油问题,并且可目视检查油位。 如果油位过高,则油位计不会进行补偿。

2.       描述 该油位计大致由两个相互联通的油罐组成,其中一个位于另一个顶部。下方的油罐与 所应用的产品直接接触,因此其油位与应用装置内部油位相同。通过一套通风系统, 下方油罐可与空气直接接触。 上方油罐是一个密封的容器,其中储存补充用油。 上方油罐的颈部向外伸出,伸入下方油罐的油面下。两个油罐相互直接接触。但是, 在下方油罐的油位低于预设值,从而空气从延伸颈部进入上方油罐时,润滑油只能从 上方油罐流入下方油罐。


3.       技术数据


外围尺寸 - LAHD 500 Ø 91 mm x 290 mm 高 - LAHD 1000 Ø 122 mm x 290 mm 高 油罐容量 - LAHD 500 500 ml - LAHD 1000 1 000 ml 容器材料 聚碳酸酯,铝 温度范围 - 20 .. 70 °C 允许湿度 0 - 100 % 连接管长度 600 mm 连接螺纹 G 1 /2 管道材料 聚氨酯 O 形圈材料 NBR - 70 Shore 垫圈 NBR - 80 Shore 6 件, 3 pcs 3 x 64,5 x 82,5 mm 2 pcs 2 x 64,5 x 82,5 mm 1 pcs 2 x 62,5 x 82,5 mm 其他材料 铝,青铜,不锈钢 适用油类型 矿物油和合成油

4. 使用说明

4.1 安装

 1. 在运行过程中确定应用中所需的油位。 对于采用润滑油来润滑的轴承座,一般确定为大于轴承外环内直径两毫米。 但是,强烈建议查阅轴承制造商所提供的建议值。 类似的建议也适用于齿轮箱和曲轴箱。

2. 确定支撑托架总成的安装位置。 油位计不得超过应用 60 厘米(塑料管的长度)。 3. 调整支撑托架,该托架可将油位计保持在所需油位下方约 50 毫米。

 4. 将上下油罐相互拆开。

5. 使用油位计底部的固定螺母,将下方油罐连接到支撑托架上。 6. 调整油位计高度,从而所需油位可位于下方油罐上所标出的两条线之间。 7. 测量塑料管并将其剪至足够长度。 8. 为管道两端准备转环连接器。首先滑动管道顶部的转环适配器(使螺纹向外)。 将铜套管插入管中,并将铜圈滑动至套管顶部。


9. 将两个连接联轴器 (G 1 /2) 旋入油位计和应用装置中,并连接管道。 上紧转环适配器。

 10. 确保管道上不存在折弯或扭结,从而防止润滑油从油位计流入装置中。


11. 将应用装置中的油位调整至所需水平,并确保该油位对应于下方油罐上标明的 两条线之间。 如有必要,可通过支撑托架螺丝来调整下方油罐的高度。

 12. 通过螺丝将上方油罐牢牢固定在下方油罐上,从而确保伸出的颈部与下方油罐 中的油位齐平。 使用六个橡胶垫圈可确保高度正确。(确保内孔最小的垫圈保持在顶部。)

 13. 对于高精度应用,使用支撑托架螺丝可进行微调(否则,度将取决于垫圈 厚度)。

 14. 卸下上方油罐盖子的螺丝,并填充与装置中所用相同的润滑油。

15. 重新上紧盖子的螺丝,确保空气不会进入上方油罐。 这样也将打开上方油罐底部的阀门,从而将上下油罐连接在一起。

16. 启动设备。由于应用装置中润滑油溅出而造成油位降低,润滑油将从下方油罐 流入应用装置,从而将延伸颈部暴露于空气中。这将使空气进入上方油罐, 从而润滑油将向下流入下方油罐。在润滑油达到预设油位时,空气将不再进入 上方油罐,这样可以有效地防止润滑油流动。

注意:在静止时,润滑油将停止飞溅,并且应用装置中的油位将上升。 从而,油位计中的油位也将上升,超出预设油位。

5. 维护和故障排除

 5.1 维护 一般性维护:

• 检查上方油罐中的油位并补充清洁的新润滑油。

• 清理油位计。下方油罐因此配有带磁性插头的排油口。

5.2 故障排除 在应用装置和油位计中油位不同的情况下,请检查:

 • 应用装置是否配有通风接头,以防止过压/压力不足。 已达到预设油位、但润滑油继续从上方油罐中流出,请检查:

 • 上方油罐的盖子和进油口是否已密封良好。 在油耗过大的情况下,检查应用装置中是否存在漏油的情况。



Constant-level Oilers


A constant-level oiler is used to maintain the fluid level in a piece of equipment that naturally depletes fluid through use, wear, friction, misting or evaporation.

As oil is depleted in equipment, such as bearings, gearboxes, pillow blocks or pump housings due to its natural operation and the generation of heat from friction, the level of fluid changes. A constant-level oiler can be used to maintain optimum performance.

The operation is based on the liquid seal principle: as fluid is depleted in the equipment, the liquid seal on the spout inside the constant-level oiler is broken. When this occurs, air enters into the oil reservoir from the air vent. This releases the fluid from the reservoir and allows it to flow into the equipment until the liquid seal reestablishes itself.

An automatic constant-level oiler can be used for antifriction, sleeve, roller, ball, tapered, spherical or slinger bearings involving excessive backpressure. Applications include fans, motors, blowers, gearboxes or other equipment where a constant level of fluid needs to be maintained. Constant-level oilers are most useful in paper mills, cement plants, coal handling mills or industries with similarly dirty environments, because the sumps are opened less frequently.

Basic Design and Operation 
In situations where pressure or a vacuum is generated in the sump, it is preferable to provide a vent line back to the equipment housing above the oil level to equalize the pressure. By equalizing the pressure between the oiler and the equipment (Figure 1), the level is more accurately maintained, creating a closed-loop system. In the event that there is no place to pipe the air vent back to the equipment, a filtered vent plug at the reservoir can be used to prevent environmental contaminants from entering the system. Figures 2 and 3 show the two fluid connection points, of which either point can be used for installation or drain. One is located on the side of the housing while the other one is on the bottom. These points will vary by design.

Figure 1. Style CS

The liquid level in the oil reservoir is visible through a clear reservoir available in acrylic or glass and in various sizes. Maximum temperature rating is 160ºF for acrylic and 225ºF for glass. The reservoir is mounted airtight on the base to prevent contaminants from entering. The reservoir is easily refilled through the cap on top port which will automatically shut off the flow while being refilled. Operation will resume when the cap is returned and secured. It may be necessary to repeat the fill process until the fluid reaches the optimum level and no longer drains from the reservoir when the cap is installed.

Constant level oilers may be installed remotely or directly to the reservoir. A liquid level line is marked on the base of the constant-level oiler for ease in aligning to the proper oil level.

Figure 2. Style CS Adjustable

With certain equipment, high levels of oil can be carried to the upper portion of the housing during operation. Upon shutdown, this oil surges back to the reservoir establishing a high oil level. Should this amount of oil overtake the capacity of the reservoir, it will flow into the vent line (Style CS) and dissipate or in the case of those piped to the sump through the vent line, will run back to the housing.

A constant level oiler is installed with the oil level mark at the exact height at which the fluid in the housing is to be maintained. It should be level with short, rigid connections to avoid vibration. The air vent is sometimes equipped with a filter when vented to the atmosphere. The air vent can also be connected back to the top of the gearbox or housing for a closed circuit.

Constant level oilers have been known to operate for years or even decades without maintenance. Degraded seals are the most likely cause of an operating problem. The oiler can be tested by plugging the fluid outlets with pipe plugs, refilling the reservoir, tightening the cap and observing for leakage. The oil should seek and stay at the oil level mark over the course of several hours. If the seals are faulty, the oil will fill the viewing port and seep out the vent hole. In the case of faulty seals, it is advisable to replace the entire unit.

Figure 3. Style C

Proper installation of the oiler will assure maximum long-term operation. Key issues that must be addressed during installation include:

1.      Verify that the oil level is clearly marked on the base of the oiler. Mount the oiler by using side or bottom outlet at the desired level.

2.      The correct oil level is the lowest level at which the bearing operates properly, which should be at the middle of the element measured at the six o’clock position in the race.

3.      Lubricator must be level in all directions to function properly.

4.      All connecting pipes should be short, rigid and close to the housing to avoid vibration.

5.      Assure that the housing is filled at initial installation. Fill the housing through the oiler. Repeated filling may be necessary.

6.      Verify that the filler cap is tightly fastened. Removing the filler cap will shut off oil supply. Loose filler cap will cause leakage.

7.      The sump should be fitted with sight glass to confirm oiler operation.

A variety of table-top tests may be conducted to identify and resolve issues in the installation and maintenance of constant level oilers. A simple preventive maintenance inspection can be conducted as follows:

1.      Secure oiler so it is level in all directions.

2.      Plug outlets with pipe plugs.

3.      Remove fill cap and fill reservoir completely.

4.      Quickly screw fill cap back on the reservoir. Note: Closing the fill cap allows the check valve to open, thus allowing oil to fill the sight glass.

5.      When the fill cap is tightened securely, the oil in the sight glass should seek a level at or near the level mark shown in the casting.

6.      Leave oiler to sit for several hours. If it continues to hold oil at the initial level, the oiler is working properly. If oil appears to be filling the sight glass completely, and is seeping out of the vent hole, the seals in the unit are bad and the seals should be replaced.


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